
Planning Permit Applications

Our planning and design professionals offer comprehensive services covering the entire spectrum of developments, from the initial concept to the completion of construction-ready documentation.

In Victoria, any development involves two permits. The first is the planning permit, where we assist clients in preparing designs and submission reports and engage with the council until the planning permit is obtained. This complex and lengthy process requires a meticulous approach to ensure the optimal use of the land.

We guide clients through the process, from conceptualisation to final submission, employing a thorough approach. Establishing solid relationships with clients and council officers, ensuring effective communication, providing timely on-site advice, addressing referrals efficiently, and responding promptly to council inquiries and Further Information Requests contribute to our consistently high success rates in planning permit applications. We willingly undertake challenging planning projects without hesitation.

Impressive 99% Success Rate in Planning Permit Applications.

Our remarkable 99% success rate in planning permit applications is a testament to our effectiveness in the planning process. This high rate of success speaks to our thorough understanding of regulatory requirements, meticulous planning, and the dedication we bring to each project, ensuring favourable outcomes for our clients.

Interested in working with us?

Our team is available to answer any questions you may have.